Integrated Clinical Systems, Inc.

900 State Highway 12

Frenchtown, New Jersey, 08825 USA


Info & Sales:

Services Dept:

Phone: 908-996-4600

Fax: 908-996-7832


Feel free to contact us using our main phone number or via one of the email addresses above with your questions. Please be sure to include your name, company, position and a contact phone number where we can get back to you as soon as we can.


For Support, please use our CRM Portal page to enter a new helpdesk ticket so one of our representatives can address your issue.

Contact Us

Public Training:


JReview Core Concepts Training Class

  Oct 28-31

  (4-half day online training sessions)


JReview Advanced Topics Training Class

  Nov 4-5

  (2-half day online training sessions)


Check out our Training page for more details or to Register.

Upcoming Events

JReview Annual User Group Meeting:


JReview User Group Meeting
  Online Only via MS Teams

    Thursday, September 12th, 2024


Check out our Draft Agenda for more details or to Register.

Copyright © 2023 Integrated Clinical Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. JReview® is a registered trademark of Integrated Clinical Systems, Inc.